A sacristy is a room for keeping liturgical vestments (such as the priests’ cassocks, albs, stoles and chasubles; and the deacons’ albs, stoles, and dalmatics) and other church furnishings, sacred vessels, and ritual books. The sacristy is generally off-limits except for: the clergy; scheduled sacristan; and those assisting with set-up for the Liturgy. Using the sacristy as a location for parishioners to store personal property (e.g., coats, purses, boxes, etc) is strongly discouraged; as it detracts from its principal purpose. Such things are better left in our vehicles and therefore, does not mandate that the sacristy stay in or closely monitor the sacristy to safeguard these personal property items of others.
The Role of the Sacristans
Our appreciation and understanding of the role of the sacristan has developed hand-in-hand with our growing and understanding of the teaching of the Second Vatican Council, that all members of the Church “should be led to take a full, conscious, active part in the liturgical celebrations which are demanded by the very nature of the liturgy” (Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy, 14). … the worship community needs ministers … one such minister is the sacristan. In order for all the members of a community of faith to take their full, conscious and active part in liturgical celebrations, there needs to be someone who prepares and oversees the things of the liturgy. … The sacristan is to know the meaning and purpose of the liturgy as well as the needs of the particular liturgical assembly, and to work carefully to see the liturgy’s ends realized by providing the members of the assembly with the tools they need [for a meaningful, prayerful, and active celebration]. Since the Second Vatican Council, more-and-more of these previously priestly reserved sacristan responsibilities have been delegated to an appointed member of the laity. At Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, we have appointed several sacristans who fulfill these liturgical functions and duties.
Desired Qualities/Qualifications of a Parish Sacristans
Must be a baptized Catholic in good standing and a registered member of Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish.
Needs to be officially trained by the Pastor. Has a basic knowledge and experience of liturgical rites (e.g., the Mass; Communion Service; Eucharistic Adoration; Baptism; Funerals; Reconciliation Service; etc.) and is aware of the demands of the liturgical position. Understands how to use the ecclesiastical region’s published Ordo. Willing to work with a variety of religious traditions and cultures.
Is a “team member” and a “team player”.
Self-motivated and possesses ability to follow-through.
Able to work on Saturdays and Sundays.
Sacristans Guidelines:
Overall, the role of the sacristan is to oversee and keep in good order the worship space (including the sanctuary, the nave, and the gathering area) and the sacristy. They must have a reverence for the sanctuary and for all articles and sacred vessels used in worship and liturgical activities. The sacristan is the person who is appointed to be available to prepare everything needed for the liturgy. The tasks could include (but are not limited) to:
Make sure the furniture in the sanctuary is clean, appropriately positioned and not cluttered. This includes the altar, ambo, lectern, presider/deacon chair and other articles/furnishings in the sanctuary.
Work with the priests, deacons, liturgist, and other liturgical ministers.
Serve as a member of the parish’s Prayer & Worship Committee.
Be familiar with the Ordo, Roman Missal, Lectionary, and other ritual books needed in the liturgy and sets them up properly in preparation for the planned liturgies.
Be responsible for the cleanliness of the sacristy.
Be responsible for letting the Pastor know when we need to order any supplies and materials (e.g., unconsecrated/approved sacramental hosts and wine; candles; altar linens; oil, liquid wax; purificators; incense; charcoal; etc) required for liturgies.
Make sure that processional candles are clean and functional, with wicked trimmed, as needed.
Arrange the seating areas for the servers, deacon and celebrant; placing the priest binder (containing the Prayers of the Faithful and announcements) at their presider's table.
If incense is to be used, fill the boat with incense, place charcoal in the thurible or bowl, and light the charcoal approximately 15 minutes prior to the start of the procession; place the stand or pedestal for the thurible and boat in the desired location.
Ensure sufficient amounts of clean purificators, corporals, hand towels, incense, and charcoals are available for the week’s liturgies.
Be responsible for promptly informing the Pastor of any liturgical device (chair, book, etc) which is in need of repair or replacement.
Arrange the liturgical book(s) needed for the celebration, marking all of the divisions/sections.
Lay out the vestments and/or anything else needed for the celebration (such as flagons, cruets, chalices, ciboria, linens, oils, processional crosses, candles, etc)
Be responsible for ensuring that those who wash the altar linens do so according to the church’s liturgical norms.
Be responsible for ensuring that those who cleanse the sacred vessels after communion do so according to the church’s liturgical norms.
Take care to burn or bury old linens and other objects (as appropriate) that are no longer suitable for liturgical use.
Ensure that the sanctuary vigil lamp is always burning; and is replaced if/as needed weekly.
Ensure that the holy water stoups are cleaned and replenished, as needed.
Ensure that the holy water font is cleaned and replenished, as needed. Note: If new (unblessed) water is added to the font, contact a priest or deacon to bless the water, as soon as possible.
If there is a sprinkling rite, ensure the water bucket and sprinkler are prepared and placed on the credence table for use during the Mass.
Ensure any pyxes containing unconsecrated communion hosts (for distribution to the homebound, hospitalized, etc to be consecrated during the Mass) are placed on the Altar before Mass.
Sacristies usually contain a special wash basin, called a Sacrarium, in which the drain flows directly into the ground to prevent sacred material (such as used baptismal water) from being washed into the common sewers or septic tanks. At Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, the sacrarium is located in the sacristy. Sacristans must be alert NOT to utilize the sacristy sink to dispose of liquids or materials which need to be poured down the designated sacrarium. The sacrarium is used to wash linens used during the celebration of the Mass and purificators used during Holy Communion.