The School Parent Assistance Account
In December of 2019, Dr. Robert Ruskiewicz, an active parishioner of Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, was inspired by a homily Fr. Javier Bustos offered during a Mass with the students at the parish school. According to Dr. Ruskiewicz, the interaction with the students during the homily revealed the great needs many of the school families endure.
Immediately, Dr. Ruskiewicz, also a member of the Pastoral Council, approached Fr. Bustos and asked him about the possibility of creating a parish account that would collect money for funds to assist some of the school families at Our Lady Queen of Peace. The Pastor suggested bringing the proposal to the Pastoral Council.
The proposal was presented to the Pastoral Council meeting on February 9, 2020. At this meeting, the council members voted unanimously to approve the creation of the account, which they initially named “Father Javier’s Foundation;” later a new name was adopted to reflect the purpose of the activity and funds: “The School Parent Assistance Account.”
This foundation consists on:
A second collection every fifth Sunday of the month.
Other individual donations are welcome.
The Pastoral Council, in dialogue with the school principal, selects a family that will receive monetary assistance from the foundation.