Our Leadership
Parish trustees are members of the Parish Corporation Board of Directors and ex-officio members of our pastoral council along with the pastor. Trustees have the same rights and responsibilities, work from the same sense of shared leadership, and participate fully and equally in decision-making with other members of the pastoral council.
The trustee-treasurer’s responsibilities include the care and custody of funds, assets, supervision of banking, credit, and insurance. The trustee-treasurer also serves on the finance council.
The trustee-secretary is responsible for corporate record keeping other than financial records, such as corporate minutes, documents, notices, and correspondence and ensures that parish records are kept on parish grounds in an easily accessible and orderly fashion. The trustee-secretary is responsible for maintaining records of all real property, property tax exemption, the parish inventory and the parish census. The trustee-secretary also serves on the finance council.
Carlos Barillas
Pastoral Council is a group of parishioners chosen from and by the parish community, who together with the parish priests guide and oversee parish affairs as the community attempts to fulfill the mission of the Church. The trustees of the parish corporation also serve on the pastoral council by virtue of their office.
The pastoral council has three principal purposes:
To serve as a vehicle for fulfilling the pastoral mission of Jesus and the Church in a specific part of the Archdiocese;
To strive to build a community of disciples who recognize their baptismal calls to lives of holiness, witness, and service; and
To engage in a continuous process of pastoral planning which takes into account the needs and priorities of its parishioners, the Archdiocese, the broader community, and the world.
-Taken from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Pastoral Council Manual.
These are the current members of the Pastoral Council:
Graciela Alcantara
Leticia Barillas
Elizabeth Corroo
Mary Hernandez (Secretary)
Gail Konkel
Tony Picon (Chair)
Dr. Robert Ruskiewicz (Vice-Chair)
Paul Stauffer
Kevin Szpara
The Finance Council is a group of people, some appointed by the pastor and others chosen from and by the Pastoral Council because of their financial expertise, which consults with the pastor(s) in regards to the administration of parish assets. One or both trustees may serve on the Finance Council.
The Finance Council has five main purposes:
to provide advice and guidance to the pastor in the administration of parish assets;
to prepare the budget and review financial statements;
to monitor the financial condition of the parish, including regular audits/reviews and internal financial controls;
to review any indebtedness of the parish and assist the pastor in taking care of interest and capital payments; and
to provide an annual financial report to the parish.
Susan Skibba, Chair
Cristina Rodríguez
Alvin Gaeth, Trustee
Carlos Barillas, Trustee
Frederick Kleczka, Director of Administrative Services
Fr. Javier Bustos, Pastor
Human Concerns Committee
The purpose of the Human Concerns Committee is to discern the needs of people in the parish and wider community – especially the poor – and identify resources to meet those needs while enlisting the active support and participation of parish members. This committee helps to fulfill the justice dimensions of scripture and our Catholic social teaching tradition while acknowledging that every Christian is called to service and to work for justice.
The focus of the committee is on the fourfold task of Catholic social ministry:
Direct Service – assist the parish in performing works of charity and in relating to organizations that provide direct service to people in need
Justice Education – raise awareness among parishioners about social justice issues and Catholic Social Teaching
Advocacy – form partnerships with organizations that serve as advocates for the poor, the vulnerable, and the unborn that work for changes in public policy and societal structures so as to aid the poor, the vulnerable, and the unborn.
Empowerment – develop practices and support organizations that encourage people in need to take action themselves.
Catholic School Committee
The School Committee assists in the development and definition of the strategies and policies that govern the Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic School. Educational innovations are areas of responsibility assumed by the committee.
More information, contact Michael Derrick at (414) 672-6660
Religious Education Committee
The purpose of the Religious Education Committee is to plan and execute the faith and sacramental formation programs:
Baptized children between 7 and 12.
Baptized youth between 13 and 16.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – individuals 17 and older in need to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, First Communion, and/or Confirmation.
Pre-baptismal preparation to parents and god-parents
For more information, please contact: Rafael Medina (414) 807-6830
Building & Grounds Committee
The Building and Grounds Committee oversees the maintenance and strategic planning of all parish facilities. This Committee reports to the Parish Finance Council, and meets during the Common Meeting Night on the first Tuesday of the month, from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, at the Parish Hall.
The Building and Grounds Committee is seeking people with expertise in the following areas: interior architecture, building management, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing. We would like to add these areas of expertise to our committee. If committee membership is impossible, we would appreciate your time and expertise as a consultant. If you are interested, or would like more information, please contact Fred Kleczka at the Parish Office: (414) 672-0313 Ext. 111
Prayer & Worship Committee
The Prayer & Worship Committee coordinates the practice of and activities related to celebrating the mysteries of our faith in the communal worship. It also provides overall direction of the spiritual and liturgical life of the parish and oversees the liturgical ministries and coordinates the celebration of the liturgical calendar. For more information, contact Fr. Javier Bustos at (414) 429-2235
Festival Committee
The Festival Committee oversees the planning and operation of the two annual parish festivals: the Summer Parish Festival and the “Viva México” Fall Festival.
For information, please contact our Parish Office.
Hispanic Ministry Committee
The Hispanic Ministry Committee oversees all initiative of evangelization and formation among our very vibrant Hispanic portion of our parish. A representative of each Hispanic parish group is part of this committee. These are the current Hispanic Ministry groups of Our Lady Queen of Peace:
Camino Neo-Catecumenal
Grupo de Apoyo de Mujeres “Santa Rita”
Peregrinos de Maria - Emaus de Hombres
Emaus de Mujeres
Movimiento de Cursillo de Cristiandad
Prayer Group “Adoradores del Santisimo Sacramento”
Grupo de Apoyo de Hombres “San Jose”